Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Not nearly as eloquent...

I'm not nearly as eloquent as Garry, by any means! :) I love reading his words! Thank you Garry!

Lately, there have been many mornings with alot of fog. I live in Ohio and with the cold and warm air fighting for control, it has made for some interesting weather here. One day in particular, I chose to drive to my mom's house, about 50 miles away. The fog was alot worse than I had first thought, but I kept going. At points, the visibility was less than 200 feet. Then, suddenly, I would drive into an area where the visibility was nearing a mile. It alternated alot on that drive. There were regular landmarks that, since the visibility was so low, my children did not see and they were unsure where we were going. (I hadn't told them, so it would be a surprise.) One in particular that they look for is the huge Ohio Arch, that spans the freeway on the Ohio/Indiana border. It was shrouded in fog and when it suddenly burst into view, the kids were so excited! They knew where they were going! :)

Alot like life, huh? Lots of times, we feel that we are in a fog, just hoping we are going in the right direction, doing the best we can. Every once in awhile, we get a glimpse of where we are going and (hopefully!) it gives us a boost to go on.


Blogger Garry Wilmore said...

I have fond memories of driving under that arch, which of course nearly always happened when we were traveling to or from Richmond. Thanks for reminding me of it. And you're right: going through life is at times a bit like stumbling through a fog, and as I read your story I couldn't help thinking of the vision of the mists of darkness and the tree of life, as recounted by Lehi in the Book of Mormon. I've spent a good part of my own life stumbling through the mist, but in recent years the loose ends have finally started to come together for me. Perhaps that is one of the benefits of middle age -- something to weigh against its disadvantages, such as arthritis.

6:02 AM  

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