Monday, November 17, 2008

Caught on Candid Camera

Discovered by me today on Flickr, this picture was taken at the ballroom competition I attended this past Saturday evening, and clearly shows me in the upper right corner of the room, contentedly shooting away with my own camera. I got a real kick out of this little discovery.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The one Amanda loves

The one Amanda loves
Originally uploaded by gwilmore
For me, this past week has been one for some wonderful photographs, and this one might be among my best of Miss Amanda Lee. As I mention in the story accompanying the image, she and her mother both love it, as does my wife.

All in an evening's work

All in an evening's work
Originally uploaded by gwilmore
This might very well be the best dance picture I have ever taken. I captured this splendid moment last night at a ballroom dance competition sponsored by the area Fred Astaire studios, and held in Glendale, Arizona.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mary White

Found today on the Internet while I was looking for something else, this is a link to an editorial written by William Allen White for his Emporia Gazette. Published in 1921 as an obituary for a young girl who was unknown outside her hometown, it is well worth savoring and sharing all these years later.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Talk about timing!

Talk about timing!
Originally uploaded by gwilmore
I attribute this more to pure luck than to my skill as a photographer, but it is one of the most unusual pictures I have ever taken. Click on the image and read the story behind it.